Award-Winning Interior Design Consultant
I am proud to have won several awards throughout my journey as an interior architecture and design practice owner, and now offer this knowledge & support throughout my consultancy, and offer mentoring & coaching for interior designers.
I can work as a project manager of the entire process, should you require that support, to help you know your entire project is in safe hands. I am also happy to work with architects, builders, and interior design teams to create a design in alignment with tight budgets and specifications for your project.
If you are just starting out as an interior designer and want the support to grow your practice in the UK, please get in touch to discuss my interior design mentoring & coaching services.
Gilly Craft
Founder, Koubou Interiors & BIID Past President (2019)
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If you are looking for support with your project from an experienced interior designer, let’s arrange a FREE 10 minute call to see how I can help.
The advantages of using an Interior Architect or Interior Designer to coordinate your project.
Yes, of course it will cost you more – or will it? It is often the case that the overall project costs are reduced usually well in excess of their fees. If you were to manage the project firstly ask yourself these questions: Can you handle it? Do you have the...
Detailed Design Stage
Often clients aren’t aware that Interior Architecture is available to them to help them realise their objective. Once the designer has taken the client’s brief and the client and designer have agreed to work together, the next stage is to develop the concept design....
Concept Design
Often clients aren’t aware that Interior Architecture is available to them to help them realise their objective. The outline plan of work described by RIBA outlines the key tasks of the concept design stage as: “To provide the client with an appraisal and...