Jul 2, 2018 | interior design, News
A space either in a bedroom or bathroom that is ‘spa like’ or relaxing. A few years ago it was enough to put a few candles around a bath and buy a bottle of expensive bubble bath! Not now – clients are well informed and well-travelled. A client of mine gave me her...
Jun 11, 2018 | interior design, News
In this article on The Evening Standard: Homes & Property Magazine, Gilly shared her top tip for redecorating your home, alongside a great host of other interior designers, who will also be appearing at the House and Garden Festival. You can read the full article...
Jun 4, 2018 | interior design, News
I have been a member of the BIID (British Institute of Interior Design) or the BIDA (British Interior Design Association) as it was then for over fifteen years. I was recruited by my tutor whilst training in Interior Design at the Regent Academy. The progression to...
May 3, 2018 | interior design, News
Yes, of course it will cost you more – or will it? It is often the case that the overall project costs are reduced usually well in excess of fees. Hiring a professional designer will save you money, but how? Unless you have done a project before and have some...
Mar 26, 2018 | interior design, News
We work with clients in many stages of their lives, and we have the privilege of working with many people who are upgrading their homes, and need the support of an expert to maximise the space of their home. However, the most rewarding projects we get to work on, are...
Jan 16, 2018 | interior design, News
I personally look to the past for mine– this does not mean that I am going to turn a 1960’s house into Victorian Gothic, it is more about learning what the buildings and interiors of the past have to tell us. I have been lucky in the past few months to have visited...