There are many advantages to finding an Interior Designer who is in the general locality to your project.
- The Designer will be able to recommend local builders and suppliers that they have worked with before
- Attendance can be quick when critical problems occur on site
- Travelling expenses will be less
- Face to face meetings are easier to achieve
There are several ways to find Interior Designers near you;
Using HOUZZ to find local interior designers
This is an online platform in which you can enter your postcode and details of your project/budget etc and the search will produce a list of local Interior Designers. This is a free platform to the client, but the Designers may pay for the lead. There are no checks on the Designers done by Houzz, so you would need to do your homework, which I will come onto later.
Using BARK to find a local interior designer
This platform works in the same way as HOUZZ. You enter all the details of the project, and you get a list of possible Designers. Again, these are paid for leads by the Designer and listing by the client is free.
There are several platforms out there that do the same thing but these are the main two for finding Interior Designers.
Using GOOGLE to find an interior designer near you
There is always the option of searching in Google for Interior Designers. Most will have a business listing, with all the information about their services, potentially with photos and a more detailed description. One of the good ways of using Google is, if they have utilised the listing, the interior designer will have several reviews to showcase their customer’s experiences.

Using the BRITISH INSTITUTE OF INTERIOR DESIGN (BIID) website to discover local interior designers
You can search by post code for Interior Designers on the website, or fill out a referral form and the Institute will find competent Designers for your project in their ranks.
The advantages of finding Designers on this platform is that the Designers have to have a level of competency and experience to be allowed to be listed on the website, together with completing adequate CPD (Continuing Professional Development) yearly.
The other advantages are that all Designers are required to sign the Professional Code of Conduct and there is a very robust Complaints Procedure.
There are also two very good documents to help with your selection on the BIID website;
A client’s guide to working with an Interior Designer
This guide covers all of the questions you would want or need to ask your prospective Designer.
Choosing an Interior Designer Checklist.
This handy checklist helps compare three practices, again with all the questions you should and need to ask.

How far should you cast your net when looking for an interior designer?
I think it depends on the type and size of project. For residential projects, I think twenty to twenty-five miles away from the project is as far as the Designer should be travelling.
For commercial projects, it is more about the expertise of the Designer and so you may have to accept the Designer will have to travel a greater distance.
If you are planning to work with an interior architect or interior designer, it may be useful to take a look at nearby designers and have an initial consultation with them, after looking at previous designs on their website or on their social media platforms. Interiors are an incredibly personal thing, particularly if you are redesigning your home, so you will want to make sure you feel comfortable and confident that your chosen designer will understand your wants & needs, as well as the hopes you have for the finished result. If you would like to chat about your upcoming project, please get in touch.